
Zoho Desk : TOP 5 Best Practices


By Harish Narayanan, Senior Performance and Technology Advisor

Zoho Desk is a one-stop shop for your customer support requirements. To maximize its potential, it’s important that you set it up efficiently so that you are not wasting time doing manual work when Zoho Desk can automate most of it for you.

In this blog, we explore the top 5 best practices that can transform your use of Zoho Desk. Whether you’re a seasoned user or just starting out, these tips will help you leverage Zoho Desk to its fullest, ensuring a smoother, more efficient support process for both your team and your customers.

1 – Knowledge base can be a game changer even for agents

Many customers use Zoho Desk primarily for the ticketing feature and don’t even explore the knowledge base feature. The knowledge base feature can be a game changer in reducing the workload for your agents in two ways :

  • Internal articles that can help agents get the precise answer to share with customers when they are typing out the email.
  • Public articles on the website, through Zoho Desk, that can help customers get answers to their questions so they don’t have to write to your support team.

2 – Email is not your only option, explore multichannel support

In today’s digital age, if you provide free customer support to clients, you’re likely leveraging a mix of email, social media, live chat, and phone channels to manage the influx of customer inquiries effectively. But most customers only have their email system connected to Zoho Desk while using their telephony and other channels as stand-alone options. If you are using Zoho Desk, make sure your phone system, website live chat, and social media support channels are all connected to Zoho Desk for a unified view of customer interactions across all channels.

3 – Setup SLAs for all tickets to improve performance

SLAs can make a huge difference in reducing response and resolution time for tickets. As soon as a ticket is created, Zoho Desk automatically sets a response time, and resolution time for the ticket. It will ensure that the agent is reminded about addressing the customer inquiry to reply/resolve the issue on time. Any ticket that remains unresolved after set time can be automatically moved to another agent for a quicker resolution. With SLAs, your agents are able to prioritize tickets based on resolution time and provide faster customer support.

4 – Use the power of AI to analyze customer sentiment in tickets

ZIA can be your best friend in Zoho Desk. ZIA offers a host of functionality in Zoho Desk including automating some of your daily tasks, helping with reply suggestions, anomaly detection, and more. But the stand out feature that ZIA offers is sentiment analysis. ZIA uses various techniques to intelligently identify the sentiment of a client based on the language and other cues in a ticket. It can then automatically tag the ticket as positive, neutral, or negative. This can help you prioritize tickets tagged negative, and improve customer satisfaction by proactively providing resolution for tickets about to go from neutral to negative.

5 – Get real time ticketing insights with powerful analytics

Unlike some departments in an organization where reports are mostly created for the management, reports in Zoho Desk are for all users. With many inbuilt reports, Zoho Desk offers real-time reports for both the agent and the manager. From happiness rating scales to time based breakdown of tickets, reporting can help you improve customer support very quickly with data driven decisions for improvement.

Keep in mind that there are so many more amazing features in Zoho Desk. Don’t hesitate to talk to an NSI Zoho expert about how you can implement these best practices for your customer support team.

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